Your search returned 14 results.

Nail down repairing claims or you`ll be in a fix by Series: Property Week ; 58(3) 24 January 1997, 24-25(2)Language: English
Publication details: 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS56491.
Hammering out who pays up and when by Series: Property Week ; 58(7) 21 February 1997, 22-23(2)Language: English
Publication details: 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS56597.
Negotiating renewals: a new lease of strife by Series: Property Week ; 58(12) 28 March 1997, 16-17(2)Language: English
Publication details: 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS56739.
A time and a place for lease renewal by Series: Property Week ; 59(4) 25 April 1997, 22-23(2)Language: English
Publication details: 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS56860.
Balancing rights of property occupation by Series: Property Week ; 60(3) 18 July 1997, 22-23(2)Language: English
Publication details: 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS57311.
Commercial sense wins in war of words by Series: Property Week ; 60(12) 12 September 1997, 26-27(2)Language: English
Publication details: 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS57634.
Negotiating the most in lease agreements by Series: Property Week ; 60(9) 22 August 1997, 14-15(2)Language: English
Publication details: 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS57627.
Be prepared for the opposition`s attack by Series: Property Week ; 59(8) 23 May 1997, 24-25(2)Language: English
Publication details: 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS57151.
Courts may have a will to extend duty of care by Series: Property Week ; 51(4) 27 April 1995, 28(1)Language: English
Publication details: 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS52767.
Court decision illuminates an obscure piece of legislation by Series: Property Week ; 51(8) 25 May 1995, 27(1)Language: English
Publication details: 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS52881.
Making sure the landlord knows when the end is nigh by Series: Property Week ; 51(12) 22 June 1995, 31(1)Language: English
Publication details: 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS53080.
Variations to leases by Series: Property Week ; 53(5) 2 November 1995, 37(1)Language: English
Publication details: 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS54013.
Headline rents - the current problems by Series: Estates Gazette ; (9502) 14 January 1995, 130-131(2)Language: English
Publication details: 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS52139.
Actionable nuisances and when to sue they neighbour by Series: Property Week ; 50(7) 16 February 1995, 25(1)Language: English
Publication details: 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: London (1)Collection, call number: ABS52367.