Rules for the registration of firms [Electronic resource] - Version 8 with effect from 2 February 2022 - London, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 2022 - 11p. - RICS Regulation .

These Rules are made by the Standards and Regulation Board in accordance with Bye-Law 2.5.1 under powers provided by Regulation 7.2.4. With effect from 2 February 2022. These supersede version 7 effective from 1 April 2020. version 6 was effective from 2 March 2020. There was some confusion as for a while the document dated 2 February 2022 was given version 7 when it is infact version 8 so some copies of the mis-named version may be in circulation.

These rules set out: which Firms are required to register with RICS for regulation; circumstances in which a Firm is eligible to apply for regulation, even though it is not required to do so; the procedure for registration, deregistration and appeal and; together with the Rules of Conduct, the obligations of registration


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