Coastal zone planning and management proceedings of the conference Coastal Management '92 integrating coastal zone planning and management in the next century, organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in Blackpool on 11-13 May 1992 - London Thomas Telford 1992 - 327p. ill. 24cm.

The development of coastal engineering Coastal conservation Setting the scene Natural change Coastal heritage Regenerating the developed coast Marine nature conservation in the coastal zone The open coastline Estauries Development pressures in an area of rising human resources Development pressures in area of declining human resources Cardiff Bay: microcosm of conflicts Coastal planning: recent policy developments Coastal defence: legislation and current policy Overseas responses through legislation and policy to coastal problems Coastal zone planning Shoreline management: a question of definition Coastal zone planning beyond the year 2000 Beaches: the natural way to coastal defence Engineering the beaches Engineering with conservation issues in mind The Anglian management study The defences for Lincolnshire The provision of marine sediments for beach recharge Difficult descisions Coastal groups


