Sustainable construction and the issues for transport infrastructure

Parry, T

Sustainable construction and the issues for transport infrastructure - 2000 - Highways & Transportation 47(2) December 2000, 10-12(3) .

Considers the issues around sustainability and balancing the need for economic developement against the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources for future generations. In particular it looks at the effect of the government's drive for sustainability on transport, especially the need to reduce greenhouse gases when traffic is one of main and growing contributors. Also looks at government suggestions as to where the construction industry can make their own contribution and be more environmentally aware and friendly; these are taken from the government document, "Building a better quality of life: a strategy for more sustainable construction". Concludes with encouragement for the construction industry to take on board the changes required and suggests a possible project by the IHT Highways and Infrastructure Board that will be able to provide a suitable framework as well as provide advise and guidance. References.