Use of GNSS in land surveying and mapping - a consultation

Use of GNSS in land surveying and mapping - a consultation [Electronic resource] - London, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 30 March 2023 - 53p. - RICS professional standard RICS Consultation .

Consultation opened 30 March 2023 and closes 27 April 2023

This consultation draft of the third edition of the Use of GNSS in land surveying and mapping has been prepared by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in partnership with Newcastle University, and with the help of an extensive peer review process. The standard forms part of a series of specifications and guidelines intended to assist all those connected with the requesting, purchase and production of surveys and mapping material at all scales, by spreading good practice and seeking to avoid duplication of effort. The new global 3rd edition features fully revised and updated sections on GNSS survey methods, control and errors, coordinate reference systems and projections, and an emphasis on quality control and office procedures.

